The kids thoroughly enjoyed the Reading Matters student day. They got to hear some favourites and discover new ones. They bought books. It was a tension-filled morning when one student arrived fifteen minutes late, nearly causing us to miss our train, then there were those whose Myki cards were empty! And lunchtime in the busy food court! We will go to a fast food joint next time.
At school, both literature circles and Pathways have gone very well and we had plans continuing into next term...and suddenly we've had a major timetable change and my four period day has been moved from Friday to Monday and both programs could collapse if not fixed. It's the part timers and in this case the PE staff who wanted to have time in the gym, which they currently must share.
Aaargh! I try, I really try to do my teaching so that kids can get something out of it, but I am, it seems, at the mercy of the college timetable.
At school, both literature circles and Pathways have gone very well and we had plans continuing into next term...and suddenly we've had a major timetable change and my four period day has been moved from Friday to Monday and both programs could collapse if not fixed. It's the part timers and in this case the PE staff who wanted to have time in the gym, which they currently must share.
Aaargh! I try, I really try to do my teaching so that kids can get something out of it, but I am, it seems, at the mercy of the college timetable.
Scheduling can be a pain. Best of luck!
Sarah Allen
(From Sarah, With Joy)
Thanks for your good wishes, Sarah! Well, the timetable was partly fixed, with the help of one of my colleagues who works closely with the principal, so that I still have one period of Literature Circles and the Pathways project was rescued, but in the end, most of my students' teachers are part timers who don't work on Mondays and someone has to look after them, so their history teacher now has one period of Health and I have to do one of her history periods and all six of my ESL students will now have to do mainstream English with me and only be withdrawn one period a week! Aaargh!
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